Land Yacht Seaward: Building a Cozy Wooden Camper for a Small Truck

Do you yearn for adventure on the open road with the ability to stop where you wish to enjoy beautiful scenery, and depart when you desire to move on, but don’t want to sleep in a tent or travel in an expensive unwieldy RV or drag a trailer behind your vehicle? Then consider building your own simple yet comfortable “land yacht” with easily obtained materials. This book will lead you through the how-tos with limited woodworking expertise and scarce availability of tools without needing a large budget. After deciding what you desire and what is possible with a small truck, it will be time to acquire the necessary materials, locate a space in which to build your project, and obtain or borrow the tools. Knowing where to look for new materials and how to scrounge materials/items, which can be repurposed, will help to cut costs and provide your camper with unique features. This book will set you on the path of “glachting” (glamour land yachting) whether at the beach, in the mountains, or through the desert. One hundred twelve photographs and diagrams add value to this work.

Cdr. David D. Bruhn, USN (retired)

2024, 6x9, paper, , 126 pp.
ISBN: 9780788430633