Augusta County, Virginia 1815 Directory of Landowners


The present work is an alphabetical listing of all 1815 landowners found in each county and independent city, as well as the accompanying description of the location of the said property. We have not included the number of acres, taxes assessed, or any transactions between landowners which may have been noted on the tax rolls. Also in many cases, the geographic location was provided as "adjacent to John Smith", etc., and while those notations are often useful to a genealogist, that information was considered to be beyond the objectives of this project. The reader is encouraged to consider the information here-in as an "outline" of early landowners in Virginia rather than a "text" due to the year-to-year variation in information provided to the clerk (or recorded by the clerk), omissions, lack of "identifiers" to determine if "same name" was also "same person" within a district or across districts, marginal quality/clarity (in a few cases) of the microfilm copy, and, not least, errors on the part of either the original clerks or the current author while transcribing.

Roger G. Ward

2005, paper, 40 pp.
