Sabino, Popham Colony (Maine) Reader: 1602-2003


The year 2007 will mark the 400th anniversary of English colonization in North America. In 1607, the Virginia Company of London sent two colonizing expeditions to North America. London financiers bankrolled the first settlement at Jamestown, on the mouth of the James River (in present-day Virginia). The second expedition was sent out from the English port of Plymouth, establishing the Popham Colony in "northern Virginia," now New England. Popham Colony was planted at the mouth of the Kennebec River in Maine, centered around the newly constructed Fort St. George. This region was also known as "Sabino," "Norumbega" and "Mawooshin." The Popham Colony lasted little more than a year as a result of an especially severe winter and poor leadership. This unique site remained relatively undisturbed until recent archeological excavations revealed it exactly as shown on a map prepared by John Hunt in 1607. This book is a chronological collection of written records pertaining to the Popham Colony. These fascinating records begin with narratives of the early voyages of discovery in 1602. Included are journal entries, letters and extracts from the writings of Champlain, Gorges, John Smith, and the Jesuit Relations, to name a few. Later historical works from the 19th and 20th centuries are also included.


Andrew J. Wahll 

(2000), 2003, 5½x8½, paper, 479 pp.

ISBN: 9780788415814
