CD: Early Missourians and Kin: A Genealogical Compilation of Inter-Related Early Missouri Settlers, Their Ancestors, Descendants, and Other Kin


While collecting data for his own genealogy, Mr. Burgess became intrigued with the first Missouri settlers and the early history of the State. Among these frontier settlers, isolated in small settlements, intermarriages created a "maze difficult to cope with in developing charts. An individual would often show up in a number of places on the charts…" leading Mr. Burgess to conclude that "perhaps about all of these newcomers to Missouri were related in some way, either by blood or marriage…" Volume One shows how more than 7100 individuals are related to each other. In Volume Two this number has doubled to more than 14,000. "By a strict adherence to the criterion that all on the tree must be kin, the tree has the continuity to be of special interest to those with at least some semblance of Missouri heritage."

Roy Burgess

(1984, 1987), 2005, CD, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat, PC and Mac, 361+368 pp.

ISBN: 9780788434976
